June 29, 2020September 4, 2020Uncategorized Prevalence of Non Communicable Diseases and Its Risk Factors among the Non-Teaching Staff of Medical College using WHO STEPS. Rathi P, Raghuveer P, Narendra V, Bhargava M. Natl Community Medicine 2018; 9(2):71-77. [pdf id=740]
June 29, 2020June 29, 2020Uncategorized N-TB: A mobile-based application to simplify nutritional assessment, counseling and care of patients with tuberculosis in India. Bhargava A, Bhargava M, Pande T, Rao R, Parmar M. Indian J Tuberc. 2018 Nov 7. [pdf id=739]
June 29, 2020June 29, 2020Uncategorized Salt reduction and low?sodium salt substitutes: Awareness among health?care providers in Mangalore, Karnataka. Indian J Community Med 2018;43:266- Fathima KA, Bhargava M. [pdf id=738]
June 29, 2020June 29, 2020Uncategorized Development of simplified body mass index–based field charts to assess nutritional status and weight gain in adult patients with tuberculosis. Bhargava M, Bhargava A. J Family Med Prim Care 2019;8:115-9. Doi 10.4103/jfmpc_226_18. [pdf id=737]
June 29, 2020June 29, 2020Uncategorized Nutritional assessment and counseling of tuberculosis patients at primary care in India: Do we measure up? Bhargava M, Bhargava A, Akshaya KM, Shastri S, Bairi R, Parmar M, Sharath BN. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2019 Jan8. Doi: […]
June 29, 2020June 29, 2020Uncategorized Pyridoxine for patients suffering from drug-susceptible tuberculosis in India. Bhargava M, Bhargava A. Public Health Action. 2017; 8 (2):97. [pdf id=735]
June 29, 2020June 29, 2020Uncategorized Nutritional care and support for patients with tuberculosis in India: A primer for general physicians. Lets Talk TB BOOK CHAPTER: Bhargava A, Bhargava M. 3rd ed. Mumbai: GP Clinics; 2017. p. 16-23 [pdf id=734]
June 29, 2020June 29, 2020Uncategorized Development of easy to use BMI-based field charts for nutrition assessment and screening. These were incorporated in the Guidance Document: Nutrition care and support for patients with tuberculosis in India. These have also been adapted […]
June 29, 2020Uncategorized N-TB: a mobile based app for nutritional assessment, counselling and support for patients with tuberculosis in India. This was developed in collaboration with McGill University, RNTCP, WHO (India), and was released as a part of new initiatives of the […]
June 29, 2020June 29, 2020Uncategorized Guidance Document: Nutritional care and support for patients with tuberculosis in India. Central TB Division. Bhargava A, Kulkarni B, Kurpad A, Bhargava M, Rao R, Parmar M, et al Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health […]